Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Little Old Ladies Are Best

Real quick today. I have never been in a meeting that lasted ALL. DAY. LONG. I did not even sit in my chair until just now and I am staying late just to blog for you peeps, so feel the love. Feel it, feel it! It's oozing out of the screen and onto your desk. Loving all around.
I heard this on the radio last night and it was too funny to not pass on. Don't know from whence it came but it is marvelous. A little old lady in Florida finished her grocery shopping and upon returning to her car discovered four teenage kids clambering all over it. She PULLS A HANDGUN FROM HER PURSE and proceeds to chase them off, screaming "Get away from my car you punks! I have a handgun and I know how to use it!" They race off, presumably scared half to death, she loads her groceries and gets in the driver's seat. Apparently she's a little rattled because it takes her a few tries to get the key in the ignition. But it won't turn. That's when she notices the football and six pack of beer sitting on the seat next to her...uh-oh. This is not her car!! So she loads up the groceries again and finds her car, after some searching, about 4 or 5 spaces down the same row. She loads her (actual) car and drives to the sheriff's office to report what she has done. Wait, wait, it gets better. Down the desk from her are four teenage boys reporting a car jacking by a little old lady with a handgun and curly white hair!!! As the radio announcer said, if you're going to have a senior moment, make sure it's a memorable one!
Smooches to you all!!

This is me, can't wait to be old.

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

I am terrified to see what happens to Tarzan when he gets old. The showtunes only just showed up in the last few years... heaven help us he he gets his hands on artillery!! Jared already has some - just for shooting the cats we used to get in our yard (the cat lady across the street had over 80...!) so... watch out! SOrry about the day long meeting... you're doing good though - less than 2 months to go!!!

From Whence You Cometh