Monday, November 19, 2007

Almost Like Having Kids

Tarzan, bless his sweet heart, finally MADE me buy a camera to replace the one I squished. It's almost the same model as we had before, only the new one is a little smaller and has 18X optical zoom instead of 12X. Sweet! I'm all scared to use it though for fear I will do something to this one too. And I feel guilty that there had to be a new one to begin with. This will haunt me to the ends of my days undoubtedly.
To break it in we have a few pictures of our newest kitty. She was pretty scraggly and small when we brought her home but now she's all plump and filled out: Her tail is way long proportionally. She "plays" with the two males by jumping on their necks when they walk in the door. Ice takes it in stride - like an uncle who will stand a little bit of roughhousing. Ocelot just smacks her down and goes to eat. Doesn't stop her from jumping on his neck the next time though. None of the three girls get along with her - lots of hissing and swiping with paws when they meet up - though Lantern, Mikey and Train Wreck get along with each other. Weird. Belle is also a greedy little thing, begging at the table if we have anything meat or milk related or jumping on the counter when I'm making dinner. Tarzan is doing his level best to put the fear of god into her when she does so. Here's Belle practically climbing in the measuring cup after I made buttermilk waffles on my day off. (Was it only a week ago?):
If we are setting a precedent here, I get to be the good cop when we have kids.

This is me, back to clicking.

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