Friday, November 09, 2007

So Not (Un)Worthy

As you may have noticed, I removed the BlogRush icon from my page (if they think I’m linking to them now, they’re nuts) This is in part because I wasn't getting any traffic from them as promised, and in part (well all) because of this email they sent me.
"We regret to inform you that your BlogRush Account has been made INACTIVE because your blog did not pass our Quality Review criteria."

  • As if my whining and literary (ha!) ramblings are below their notice. How rude. But, then my curiosity got the better of me – I’m not the crazy cat lady for nothing – and I looked up their so-called standards to see why I did not compute.

"We determined that your blog did not meet our strict quality guidelines. Please do not take this personally but realize that we must abide by a very strict set of quality guidelines."

  • Certainly not. Like their telling me I suck would in any way bother me. (phifft) As if.
"BlogRush Quality Guidelines:- The blog contains unique, quality content that provides opinions, insights, and/or recommended resources that provide value to readers of the blog. Articles, videos, public domain works, press releases, and content written by others are okay to be used on the blog, but the ratio of unique content should far outweigh content from other sources."
  • Do I not provide value to the readers of my blog? I try and offer a variety of subjects from pop culture and current events to stories from my past and psychological explorations. And I guarantee that it’s unique content. Does anyone else offer the detailed and quite unique dream opportunities that I do?

"The blog should be updated on a regular basis (at least several times a month) and should not just go a few months between posts."

  • I used to be less diligent but I've been really good lately. Lots of posts…
"The blog should already contain at least 10-12 quality posts. New blogs with very little content will not be accepted."
  • Duh.
"The blog's primary contain must be in English. BlogRush is currently not available for non-English blogs."
  • I realize my spellinks t’aint always perfect but stills, I’s thinks it’s Engulish I’s using…
"The blog should not contain an excessive amount of advertising and links and very little actual content. The focus of the blog should be quality content."
  • Are they suggesting I am not quality? My parents were married right here in this country thankyouverymuch. Still, other than the ad thing, that seems a really arbitrary qualification.
"The primary content of the blog should not be "scraped" content from other sources and/or script-generated pages for the sole purpose of search engine rank manipulation. The focus of the blog should be quality content."
  • I don’t even understand what they’re forbidding, let alone do it on this blog.

"The blog's content (or advertising) should not contain any of the following types of content: hate, anti-racial, terrorism, drug-related, hacking, phishing, fraud, pornographic, nudity, warez, gambling, copyright infringement, obscene or disgusting material of any kind, or anything considered illegal."

  • Hmm, I knew taking bets on my services as a crack carrying, gun wielding, computer hacking, unclothed woman was a bad idea…

This is me, hoping SOMEone in Internet-land still loves me. Anyone?


Anonymous said...

I love your blog.

Anonymous said...

What freaking idiots. Whose bog did they read?? Yours is way cooler than their stupid criteria. I would write them a nasty netter. But it's my naptime. The way I get more readers (I mean, the more, the merrier!) is I find peoples I like and commentcommentcomment. I've made ome super awesome friends that way (present company included). Heck, you are my link to the entertainment world!!

PS Maybe all that time in Canada screwed up your English?? I mean, half the time I can't tell what you are saying with all your Canadian mumbo jumbo.

PPS (or is it PSS?) Even if they are jerks, at least it gave you some NaBloPoMo material, eh?


Anonymous said...

You know I love you. ;-)

From Whence You Cometh