Thursday, November 15, 2007

Classic Christmas Elves

Let me just state my categorical disdain for anything Christmas before Thanksgiving is over. I refuse to look, buy or consider a holiday before all the ones before it are over. And yet, here we are with the Thursday meme. It's okay, for the The Back Porch peeps I will relent - just this once.
Onesome: Classic-- get togethers? Is that on the list for next week, say about Thursday? ...or do you 'lone wolf' the Thanksgiving season?
  • Turkey day is all about the family. It's one of the calmest holidays, just some good food and some good people and some good football. And a really nice four days off from work. Not a lot to do and not a lot of effort if everyone brings something. Kinda what the whole holiday is about. Everyone getting along for the greater good of us all. It's nice.
Twosome: Christmas-- Ready or not, here it comes! Complete with shopping and decorations and wants and needs and yeah... Are you ready for the experience? ...or does a nice South Seas cruise sound like a workable alternative?
  • Puh-leease. Christmas is THE season. Once we hit December 1st it's all bets are off and full speed ahead baby! Love the Christmas. Presents and cards and carols and hats and trees and lights and stars and it's all so fantastic! I am so ready.
Threesome: Elves-- and other helpers? Do you have any lined up to assist on Thanksgiving Day? ...or to decorate in the weeks to come. ...or do you even need them?
  • I think, technically, I am one of the helpers. Bringing rolls and pie and siblings from all over. That's what I do. Well, we do. Tarzan is the man who does most of the picking up at 5:45am etc. Did I mention he's awesome? I do tons of shopping and decorating and all but I have help and I like to help and it's all about the end result anyway. If I WANT to do it, then it's not hard. And I loves me the holidays.

This is me, with the Thursday meme. Week 3 of NaBloPoMo begins right here!

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

I think that's my favorite part about Thanksgiving too - the calm of the day. Of course the rest of the time will be a total crazy time...;)

From Whence You Cometh