Friday, November 30, 2007

Closing Down

Ha! Had you going there for a moment. Thought I'd poop out on this, the VERY LAST DAY of NaBloPoMo! Not so peeps. Not. So.
Well apparently the universe did not like my marshmallow joke from yesterday because we awoke this morning to the rain pouring down, and it's kept up pretty much all day. Now don't get me wrong, I love the rain, and we desperately need it. It's been months, almost years since we've had any decent rain in The Jungle proper. All the radio and TV stations are gearing up to do the be water wise commercials again. The cactus in my front yard gives me pitiful looks when I fetch the paper in the mornings, like "I'm drought tolerant, not allergic to water - pass the hose please"
So I'm loving that it's all wet and squishy out. Love also that my car is all shiny silver again and not that grey-ish/brown-ish/nondescript color it gets to be when I don't wash it for 6 months. Eh. If I don't have time to clean my house am I really going to make time to wash my car? Not so much. The point being I love the rain, but did it have to come right on the heels of my saying it isn't raining? Like the sky reads my blog and rained just to spite me...That would be cool, if the sky read my blog. Do you think the sky gets DSL? Maybe it uses wireless. But I digress. So after being slighted by the is the rainy season here finally and I like it.
And one more random thought to send you home with today - yeah, I get to go home tonight. At a relative normal time. It's been a loooooong week, lemme tell ya. But it's going to the printer's tonight and then I am done. Not thinking all weekend. That's not the random thought. This is: have you ever noticed how the last five minutes of sleep seem to do more than the previous 6 hours and 55 minutes? I was shocked awake at 6am this morning by one cat chasing another cat across my midsection and I was so groggy I barely could lock the door after I threw them out into the rain. (Stupid animals. They have the entire rest of the house. Do. Not. Jump on me when I am sleeping. Really, I am not kidding.) So I went back to bed for the remaining 45 minutes and when I got up again I was amazingly refreshed. Like, better than I have felt for days kind of refreshed. It was excellent. Would that I could do it multiple nights in a row. Ahh...if wishes were Ferraris...:-)

This is me, after posting every day for a month, aren't you bored of this drivel yet?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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From Whence You Cometh