Thursday, November 08, 2007

Motorola Phone Tools

Onesome: Motorola--, Sanyo, Samsung? Which brand of cell phone are you most pleased with?
  • Despite the company being less than pleasant to a really stellar brother-in-law, most of my phones (well 3 of 4) have been from Motorola. I liked my first phone best. It was small, before flip phones were all the rage, and it had Toccata in Fugue in D Minor as a ring tone. It was awesome. Haven't had as good a ring since.
Twosome: Phone-- time, and more time, and more time... Okay, are you one of those who simply lives on their phone? ...or do you consider phones a necessary evil?
  • Truth be told, I talk to Tarzan, my sister and my parents on my phone. Occasionally my friends, but none of them are big phone conversationalists. We prefer IM and email to work out get togethers and then we stay out for hours at a time to get all the information in. We're feast and famine for face to face stuff. I seem ot communicate best with the in-laws through Facebook and commenting on each other's blogs. Probably some of that is my schedule and their kids and the distance between our houses. Maybe next year I'll have more opportunities to talk to my sisters-in-laws?
Threesome: Tools-- of the trade? Do you use your phones more for work use or for personal use?
  • Are you kidding? Personal use only. I don't want the freaks who call me all day at the office to be able to call me all night too! Fortunately I don't have the kind of job that requires 2am types of phone calls.

This is me, loving the Thursday meme! Beginning second week of NaBloPoMo now...

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

You can spend just about every day chatting me up next year! I am so addicted to my phone - the only thing keeping me off of it lately is the fact that baby wants to eat it when she sees it and goes bonkers:)

From Whence You Cometh