Friday, November 14, 2008

The Right Equipment

Have I mentioned my vacuum cleaner before? I feel like I have, but I can't find it...well, it bears repeating even if that is the case. Last Christmas we bought my sister a vacuum cleaner - at her request - and in the process of researching the best one for the money, thank you Consumer Reports, Tarzan decided we needed a new one too. Bless the boy for his optimism considering the number of times I had pulled out our vacuum numbered in the single digits. I am not a vacuumer. (I am a sweeper, if that dilutes the gasps of horror across the nation.) I believe it is the type of vacuums in my past that created this problem. It seemed like such an effort to pull out these heavy things, the parts flying every which way, the cord to trip over or tangle up, the necessity of stopping every few minutes to unclog hair or toys from the hose. SUCH a bother. So I didn't. And then I met the Kenmore Progressive with DirectDrive. (And I promise they are not giving me money to say this. In fact I spent money to say this - we bought the vacuum.) It is ALL about the right equipment to make a job effortless and downright enjoyable. And this little baby is the right equipment. It still has parts, but they fit together EVERY TIME and nothing has clogged or broken yet. There's a cord, but the hose is really long, reaching far, so there's less moving and having to unplug and plug in again. And the IntelliClean indicator is highly amusing with it's sparkly lights changing from red to green when an area is sufficiently clean. It's really a nice piece of plastic when you come down to it. I have vacuumed more in this last year than in the seven year previous. I don't say that with any sort of pride but as an indicator of how awesome this vacuum cleaner is. If you are looking to upgrade I can give this one a seal of approval.

This is me, with the right equipment.

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

I looove my roomba, but you are making me think of cheating on it ... the robot works, but you need a good deep vacuum every week or so. That would mean I haven't vacumed in a month.

From Whence You Cometh