Saturday, November 01, 2008

Auspicious Start

Apparently, my cold has rebooted my brain. I forgot yesterday was Halloween, I forgot that today was Saturday - for some reason I thought it was Wednesday - go figure, I forgot that it was November 1st, I forgot that today was the start of NaBloPoMo!
I was all ready to go too. As a friend pointed out, November is a good month for me, what with our wedding anniversary, my blog anniversary, the election this year, football, Thanksgiving, all the birthdays, my overbooking of activities. (I just discovered that I have a baby shower on the same night I promised to set up for the Veteran's Honorary Luncheon.) There's some fodder for a blog there. Just my brain stands in the way.
And speaking of football, what is the deal with our penalty average? I love our team, I do, and National Champions or not we play well every year, we have good sportsman conduct. But seriously? How many years have we been the conference leader in penalties? The penalty leader for the entire NCAA? This is not the sort of thing one usually aspires to. And yet, here we are. Oy.
The subject matter will get better, I promise.

This is me, swearing I did not back date this entry. Even though it wasn't up, I DID write it on time!


Rocketgirl said...

Good for you! I on the other hand, cheated. But yesterday was SO packed, I barely had any time to think, even though every day this last month I've been telling myself "NaBloPoMo is commmming!!" Le sigh.. I'm just so glad you are participating! yay for 30 posts!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the party. Best of luck.

From Whence You Cometh