Saturday, November 08, 2008

The Art Museum

So this art museum is one of two financed by some old dude who had A LOT of money. And by a lot I mean A. LOT. So much so that admission to either of the museums is free because there is so much money in the accounts for each. I don't quite understand the logistics, but it's free to go. And we did.
This is the piece my sister had to write her paper on:
Something about the judgement of Paris and Athena and Hermes. (I love that name) This particular branch of the museum is all about the ancient Greek and Roman artifacts, statues and pottery and whatever. I quickly got bored with the one urn she had to describe in technical detail and wandered through some of the other rooms. There's nothing relevant to any of these images. Just things I looked at, or was amused by. Like this old dead guy's coffin. The relief work is pretty intense:
Hercules cracks me up because he has no hands. Not just this one statue, but a lot of them are missing parts and it makes me wonder if someone dropped the statue moving it or if they ran out of marble or the sculptor didn't like the way they came out:
The architect in me makes it impossible to not notice colonnades and gardens and really, this wasn't the worst place for fake antiquity I have ever seen:
And this was our bug chaperone. Not too creepy as bugs go and he liked the urns:

This is me, with our day at the museum.

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