Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday - The Highlights

The dramaz, oh the dramaz.
A few weeks ago there was a big stake meeting where our congregation was moved to another building to share with a group already there.
This was a BIG deal to some of the people in both congregations and today was our first day in the new building.
So in addition to adjusting to a new schedule, new rooms, sharing with a group that doesn't speak English and I speak nothing but, trying to find our hymnbooks - which had been packed and moved yesterday - and running around in a building with the A/C out, I ALSO had to placate women annoyed at being there, stave off a 68-year-old hysterical fit out in the courtyard and THEN referee a cat fight between two ladies who don't speak English as a first language.
It was an exhausting day.

This is me and it's hard to be in charge.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for another grand chuckle fest.
So...what's going on with your old Bell digs? Ever going back? Love that building I do.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for another grand chuckle fest.
So...what's going on with your old Bell digs? Ever going back? Love that building I do.

Master P said...

Cat fight??? Ugh!! This being in charge thing bites. I love this post, mostly because I didn't have to live through it. You don't have to use it of course, but I nominate this for the Jane best of-s: I ALSO had to placate women annoyed at being there, stave off a 68-year-old hysterical fit out in the courtyard and THEN referee a cat fight between two ladies who don't speak English as a first language.
It was an exhausting day.

From Whence You Cometh