Congrats M and PIT! And little Squishy too. From all accounts he likes the "Baby."
This is me, auntie Jane.
Because have I got a story for you!
Congrats M and PIT! And little Squishy too. From all accounts he likes the "Baby."
This is me, auntie Jane.
::Twosome: end of-- da' road? Just for the fun of it, is there a road in your area that you're pretty sure 'goes nowhere' and just ends there?
::Threesome: Summer-- is over? Really? Just because it's Labor Day? Heck, the kids have been back in school for a week or two; the weather hasn't gotten any cooler out here; and the trees haven't even thought about turning. least where I am: how about at your place?
This is me, with a Friday meme tradition.
::Twosome: who your-- information sources are can be interesting: who/what are you looking to for information this political season?
::Threesome: Friends are-- the people who bail you out when you need it? ...or maybe they're the ones waiting in line after you to use the phone looking for bail saying, "Man, that was fun!"? Just wonderin'...
This is me, with a new formed but still worthwhile meme.
::Twosome: my-- how time flies: Back to School sales are already over and I'm seeing Thanksgiving stuff in the stores! Whaddayathink: are you ready for Summertime to be over and done with?
::Threesome: Eggos-- and the like: do you have a frozen food you keep around just because you actually like the darned thing?
This is me, slowing down.