Monday, August 04, 2008

So Close

Aaaagh! So close. So very close.
My computer was going to be delivered today. I waited for it. I did. Front door was open - even though that lets a lot of heat in. I had my keys and shoes ready to run out as soon as the truck pulled up. But it didn't come. I checked the company website again and it said "delivery attempted." Odd. I check the box for a slip or something but there isn't one. So I called the delivery company. Apparently 'they' don't believe my address exists. What is that I ask you? We've been here five years, give or take. The junk mail certainly makes it through with no problem. So do the bills. Grrrr. They're gonna try again tomorrow. I need to sit outside probably - with a sun shade. Les sighs.

This is me, still waiting.


Rocketgirl said...

Okay, I've been totally preoccupied with my students and such - but I'm 5 ENTRIES BEHIND. No joke - this is bonkers!!! I'm catching up tomorrow, it's almost midnight and I ahve sleepies. But I'm sorry I've been so out of it - I miss you!!!

Anonymous said...

Did it arrive yet?

Anonymous said...

Just a thought that perhaps the neighbors scared the driver?

Jane said...

You know...I thought of that this morning when they were in a radio war and then screaming at the meter man. Still no computer. Should be this afternoon.

From Whence You Cometh