Friday, August 08, 2008

Leggo My Eggos

More later on why this Thursday meme is being posted on Friday instead.
::Onesome: Leggo'-- of that! Okay, is there something (sure, food works!) that shows up from time to time that you'd really like to have and someone else usually makes a grab for it? I'm thinking Christmas is coming and maybe those 'special' cookies need to be planned for...
  • Being the oldest in a house of nine children most things were shared at one point or another. There were always hands grabbing at everything. Plus the stuff that I usually have my eye on, food or not, ends up not being as cool as the stuff Tarzan picks randomly. How does he DO that?

::Twosome: my-- how time flies: Back to School sales are already over and I'm seeing Thanksgiving stuff in the stores! Whaddayathink: are you ready for Summertime to be over and done with?

  • Not so much. I have always loved summer and considering the past few days I need time to just slow wa-a-a-a-a-a-y down. Too much to do before school can start again. And one of my pet peeves is the retail world jumping six months down the road to the next holiday, event, time of year because we wouldn't buy cars or food or clothes without them shoving a reason down our throats...

::Threesome: Eggos-- and the like: do you have a frozen food you keep around just because you actually like the darned thing?

  • Are we excluding things that HAVE to be frozen, like popsicles? If so, I would have to go with egg rolls. I love to be able to pop 2 egg rolls in the microwave and call that lunch.

This is me, slowing down.


Anonymous said...

Whee! I've got my fix! I had wondered if you were digging out from under the location of another kitten or something.

Rocketgirl said...

I SWEAR I checked this this morning and I didn't see anything, and then it's posted from Friday? Stop playing with my head, devil woman!!

From Whence You Cometh