Friday, August 15, 2008

Saved By The Rocket

Just when I thought all was lost, Rocketgirl saved me! Perish the thought sweet readers, that a week should go by without a meme in it. And our prayers were answered via the lovely and talented Rocketgirl. Thusly:
::What were you doing 10 years ago?
  • Let's see, August 1998? I was almost nearing the halfway point for my architecture degree. And actually, it turned out to be one of my best years all around. I was happy, healthy, feeling "at the top of my game" if you'll pardon the expression. I found out I was not supposed to marry the guy I liked that year, and it was a good thing.
::5 years ago?
  • August 2003. Tarzan and I were coming up on three years of marriage at that point and we were finally starting to get it, I think. I had started a new job in March of that year and all was going well on the Library project. This was before the project, the office and the job all went down the toilet, which was November of 2004.
::Last year?
  • August 2007 - I had started my countdown to retirement, but only in my head, so no one knew where my new attitude had come from. I was miles deep in the final project. The one I still follow because it was ALL ME.
::What are the 5 things you want to do before the end of the year?
  1. Get the front yard plants moved to the bare patch near the mailbox in the hopes of holding the morning glories at bay.
  2. Related but different, REALLY cut back the orange tree because the branches are dragging on the ground with the fruit right now and that's not good.
  3. Ssssssh, maybe, possibly, get pregnant. If it's okay with everyone. Ssssssssh.
  4. Do that thing, for that person, who also reads the blog so I can't mention it but when it happens I will TOTALLY post pictures. It'll be awesome if it all works out. You're invited - email me on the side and I'll tell you all about it.
  5. Visit Rocketgirl in the Deep South.

This is me, with a new formed but still worthwhile meme.

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

What an awesome entry! I'm going to start making you random memes because it's so fun to find all this junk out about you! I had a moment of WHAZZA?? WHen i realized 5 years ago you'd been married for 3 years... I feels like you've been married forever now, but every now and then the numbers jump up and surprise me. I looove what you're gonna get done by the end of the year! And it's funny that the first two are plant related:) I am hoping my bro knocks you up super good, and am waiting your visit. WAIITING!!!

(although I think techically, Atlanta is more of a shallow south- at least my white bread suburb:)

From Whence You Cometh