was FABULOUS!! I so want to go again and again and again and again...well you get the idea. The sit-down show was slightly different from the touring show but not in a bad way. I don't know if they cut the waltz from "Wonderful" on purpose, if someone forgot a cue or if it's just a Jungle thing...that was kinda disappointing but the added dialogue, the bigger better sets and the larger chorus were all to the good. Megan Hilty was fantastic as "Glinda" and Eden Espinosa did a very nice "Elphaba;" a lot less angry than in the production we saw in Happytown last year which also was good. This was only my second "Glinda" (having only heard Kristin Chenoweth (on the soundtrack)) though I've seen three "Elphabas" (I've only heard Idina Menzel on the soundtrack as well) so I'm courious to see how the Rockies production compares with two completely new leads. I'm not sold on Kristoffer Cusick as "Fiyero" (though the boy IS hot) because Derrick Williams was SO awesome (that link does not have a flattering pic). Love, love, LOVE Jenna Leigh Green. So glad to have her at the Jungle show; it's a pity she only gets the one number. Also LOVE Adam Wylie as "Boq" who I first saw on "Gilmore Girls" and recognized from row RR. (Thank you.) I wonder if I could get a job seeing all the productions and commenting on them. I'd even learn foreign languages so I could see it the world over. If they make a movie of the show I should TOTALLY be a consultant...
Went to the dentist on Saturday to get my temporary crown reapplied. As I drove it occurred to me that if they were going to have to Novocaine me up and do the oral gymnastics necessary why not just wait for Tuesday (that's tomorrow) and get the real one. That's exactly what Mike my hygienist said when I got there. So after tomorrow I will hopefully not bite my cheek 15 times a day and not have a "gaping chasm" between my last two teeth.
Watched the Academy Awards last night. As I hadn't seen most of the movies it was more about the dresses and the jokes. (What's with all the "R" rated films lately? Has it always been like this?) Nice to see some class coming back to the red carpet. Lots of long skirts and off the shoulder looks for the girls and mostly black tie for the guys. The shot of the five nominees for Best Actor was funny as they all were in black tuxes with black bow ties ('cept Leo had a long tie.)
On a completely different subject, what's with all the radio stations changing? I went 12 years knowing exactly where on the dial to get my country, my classical, my oldies and my 80's. Now someone is switching them all around on me and it's very annoying. Why can't the new station tell us where the old music went to? I might like BOTH stations. Grr. It's weird to go to bed one night with Beethoven and wake up the next morning with Tim McGraw...
OMG. If you get the chance to see The Reduced Shakespeare Company, GO. SO hilarious. I almost died Saturday afternoon watching their (only) released DVD of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged).
This is me back to normal.
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