Tuesday, August 05, 2008


I blog now from my shiny new laptop!! Yay! It's so pretty. So smooth. And with the wireless gateway do-hickey thing I can blog from the living room or...(scamper, scamper) from the bedroom!! OR...(scamper, scamper) the front porch!
How cool is this?
In a word: awesome.
In an aside, however, the computer I was temporarily using - one of Tarzan's old ones, which has a weird glitch in the screen but is otherwise okay - decided to take a powder this morning. So annoying. It probably still works. But it makes a horrible clicking sound when I turn it on. Two laptops in a month. Am I really blogging that much? Not likely. Send me the link to your blog because trading machines TWICE means I will likely forget a blog to two. But not again, well, not for a long looooong time after this. (Knock on wood.)
This machine is so pretty. I like it muchly.

This is me, with my new toy.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations. May this new toy bring you many hours of electronic happiness relative to electronic connections.

Rocketgirl said...

QUICK!! Go blog from the crapper!!

From Whence You Cometh