Friday, October 02, 2009

If Only It Were That Easy

RHM will likely send me a punch in the nose when she reads this BUT I will tell you anyway. I am watching a new show on the television these days.
Yes, another TV show for Jane to clog her DVR with...but really, is it a surprise that a show about people who sing and dance is a huge draw? Did you hear that - SINGING with DANCING - it's like the holy mecca for me. (The main chick, Lea Michele reminds me a bit of a young Idina Menzel.) And considering the special guests - Kristin Chenoweth people! - who have been on the show already - and it's only in it's fifth episode - I would continue to watch it for that alone, even if the storyline was horrific. And it isn't. Not really horrible.
Now, I understand irony and artistic license, which is emphasis for effect, and satire and sarcasm. I get that they are mocking the high school experience and not portraying it honestly but still. Really? It is amusing to be sure - the pilot was just incredible - but I am also sure that one decent club will not change all of their lives and make high school bearable.
Maybe I am a little skeptical because I DIDN'T have an angst-y high school experience. I had my friends and my activities and so did others and the twain did never meet, even in my Frozen North high school that had only 900 students. I never met all the other teenagers, I didn't know everyone in my CLASS, let alone the entire school. I didn't run into the same people regularly. If someone needed to be avoided, then it wasn't hard. I never went home in tears, I never fought anyone for a boy, there were very few confrontations in the hallway, I never dreaded the 6-7 hours a day I spent at high school. If my experience was unusual, then I am very sorry for everyone else because high school can be just fine.
And that is what I find a little hard to stomach in Glee. For the interpretation to be so dramatic, how bad is what is considered the normal?

This is me, loving the musical nature of the show but the storyline is beyond my ken. Did high school suck for you?


RHM said...

Okay--high school did not suck for me. Once I got out of class with the kid that thought it was okay to come tell me what he did with his sheep, Flex All 454, and his own time.

And my attraction to Glee is rather interesting. That there is this disaffected group, that felt they didn't belong in their own ways at this high school, being a very 'dead end' sort of town. Here's the thing: more kids I know feel this way than ever. Even the kids with traditional families and a strong religious upbringing. It's perhaps a Neo-Gen X. Even the kids (like the quarterback) who have nice little pockets of life for themselves find that they want something more or need something more.

Thusly, Glee Club for these kids provide something else to channel all the other parts of their lives into. That creativity has gone untapped in many students because creatitivty isn't "on the test."..

Just my 2 cents. You can not like the show. You and I have so many other TV shows that we share.

Jane said...

Not that I don't like it - I LOVE the singing - just that I don't get it.

From Whence You Cometh