"Jennifer and Jim kept getting huge water bills. They knew beyond a doubt that the bills weren't representative of their actual usage, and no matter how they tried to conserve, the high bills continued. Although they could see nothing wrong, they had everything checked for leaks or problems: first the water meter, then outdoor pipes, indoor pipes underground pipes, faucets, toilets, washer, ice maker, etc. -- all to no avail. One day Jim was sick and stayed home in bed, but kept hearing water running downstairs. He finally tore himself from his sick bed to investigate, and stumbled onto the cause of such high water bills. Apparently this was happening all day long when they were not at home. Knowing that few would believe him, he taped a segment of the 'problem' for posterity -- See video: http://summitprops.com/WaterLeak.htm"
But that's not why I called you all here. I am considerably more selfish than THAT!
Last weekend our lovely councilperson of the 9th District handed out fruit trees to all constituents who showed up. It was a tough to choose between Plum, Peach, Apricot, Nectarine or Apple, but I thought of Tarzan and the twitching that occurs when he gets to eat one of his favorite fruits. So we got us an apricot tree! It's small and doesn't have any branches. It's probably not supposed to produce anything for a few years. But we have the potential! We can say we have two (2) fruit trees in The South Central Jungle. The other one is a Satsuma Mandarin orange tree and it's a real trooper. Sporadic watering, non-existent pruning, and still it produces like a mofo. Here is a picture of our fledgling apricot tree. It looks like we planted towards true north in this first picture but I must have been holding the camera crooked or something:

Don't judge my yard. That's one of the first things to get revamped a week from Monday. In the background you can see the California Lilac bush that is out of control. It was a stick when we planted it five years ago. It's got some trimming coming:

This is me, it's Friday peeps!
Nice to see the living in the Northern part of South Central hasn't let you down yet.
I'm so jealous of your fruit trees. Someday we'll have a whole stinking orchard and a big berry patch, but for now it's watching the snow melt.
That is the funniest movie ever!! They'd be set if they could toliet train it.....
Yay for fruit trees! I have a tangerine, clementine, two navals and a fig. Fig trees are strange things, that is for sure!
I LOVED that cat video! I laughed so hard at work. :)
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