Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Au Revoir

Nothing like telling people you are leaving to get an ego boost. I sent out an email yesterday morning for clients and consultants announcing this coming Friday as my last day with this office. Woot! Last day - three days after today - can you believe it's actually here? I am having a tough time convincing myself but there it is. They've even started believing it at the office which is a huge breakthrough - though they haven't stopped teasing me about coming back or making more money if I stay or becoming a consultant...I've thought about it but consider - if I were to stay "one more week" we'd have the same issues in seven days, or in a month or whenEVER I tried to go. If I worked as a consultant I would get paid what I do now and they'd have me coming in to discuss projects and then go to meetings and pretty soon I'd be sitting at my desk every day only without the benefit of overtime. It's best to just rip off the band-aid and be done with it. Hence the email. And there has been an influx of well wishes and regret - even from the clients that are annoying and irritating to work with. And from the bosses too, who I don't see that often since I deal with the flunkies most of the time. It's really nice to receive a note that the head of a big development firm will miss me and my interest in a project. There have been many offers for references if needed, requests for personal email, inquiries as to my plans and a desire to keep in touch. Some of them I know are just cursory because it's polite - and to them my reply is "It's time to move on, thanks for all the fish." Not really, but maybe I should...However, I think some people actually care and that's nice to know. To them I give one of my personal emails. (I have five, is that strange? I check them all too, is that obsessive?) I don't know if anyone will actually email me - well I bet one will, we really bonded when working on a project together - but it makes me feel good. Like I actually did something worthwhile in this industry and some people are sad to see me leave. Makes me feel less of a loser to be quitting. Go out on a high note I believe.

This is me, down to three more days...I'm ready.


Rocketgirl said...

YES!!!!!!! First order of bizness, escape SoCal and get some good BBQ. I know a few good places;)

Anonymous said...

Well, this just goes to prove our professors were wrong. It wasn't what you designed as much as how you handled the client. Clearly that they are sending you away with all these well wishes proved you succeeded in business where we would hope all our other classmates would fail. Okay now I'm really going to go back to sleep. -R

From Whence You Cometh