Friday, October 12, 2007

Political - Sort Of

Driving to work I saw this bumper sticker on a car:
"Dissent Is The Truest Form Of Patriotism"
I think I understand what the author was trying to say and I agree with the intent but not the execution. I think it should have read:
"Dissent Is The Truest Form Of Democracy"
Because the point of democracy is we, the people, decide who is in charge and if we don't like the way it's going we, the people, can vote him/her out of office. The Bill Of Rights allows us to speak our opinion about a leader or authoritative figure without fear of recrimination. So yeah, the ability - our right even - to "disagree with the methods, goals, etc., of a political party or government; take an opposing view" is part of the Democratic system. (Thank you
On the other hand, Patriotism means "love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it," "Love of and devotion to one's country," and "devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty." This is more about the emotion and less about the organization. I definitely believe that supporting the Bill Of Rights, The Constitution etc. is patriotic. No question. And I think one can love, support and defend the country while also not agreeing with the leaders. (Hellllooo, the last eight years maybe?) But in this case I think the phrasing of the bumper sticker suggests it's more a love of talking back or bad mouthing others the author supports and not the democratic process. What if someone supports the powers that be? Is that person not patriotic? Obviously SOMEone likes the government, or they wouldn't have been voted in. Am I not patriotic if I like the President? We should "question everything" but we don't have to DISAGREE with everything.
It's nit picky true, maybe it's just me, and maybe I'm reading more into it than intended. But then, that's what makes this interesting. Comments?

This is me, thinking hard on a Friday.
We welcome Dan to the Jungle! Thanks for commenting!

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

COMMUNIST!!! Just kidding. I think a true patriot loves their country despite DC being full of morons. It's hard to do, but we gotta try:)

From Whence You Cometh