Friday, January 08, 2010


How is it the same man who can replace the wax ring on the toilet (to stop the leaking) and replace the garbage disposal - totally hot by the way, watching all of this go down - how can that same man miss the sheets when he comes to bed and fall asleep - still in his jeans because he "didn't notice" - pinning me down the entire night - which caused me to have horrible dreams about mazes and locks - because he's between the comforter and top sheet rather than under them both like a normal person? I ask you.

This is me and that's Tarzan.


RHM said...

Might I use this time to point out that he is Tarzan. You are Jane.

Rocketgirl said...

Wow... he is REALLY turning into dad! Minus fixing the toilet thing ;)

From Whence You Cometh