Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Setting The Record Straight

Oh, oh, oh. The truth comes out!
For yeeeeeaaaaars now, for ten years in fact, Tarzan has been teasing me about THAT ONE letter, THAT ONE summer when I broke up with him and he was so devastated he turned to the first girl he saw, made out with her a bunch and would have gotten engaged if his parents hadn't stepped in and told him he was moving too fast. Not that I am jealous because, hello, obviously he and I got it worked out, but I have held to the resolve that I hadn't broken up with him. I remember the letter and I wasn't ending things; I was just clarifying a point and warning him I was going to be a high maintenance woman - I am, it's true - and *I* was surprised and a little miffed when he stopped writing me after that. We have never been able to clear it up either because though I saved all his letters he was sure he threw mine out, especially the one were I broke up with him.
Not so. Last night we were cleaning out the file cabinet to make room - ten years of bills and warranties takes up space don'cha know - and what did we find but a bunch of old letters. From me.
And - being me - I sat down to read them right away to find my proof.
Side note: What a difference 10 years make. I was such a little dictator back then. Lecturing and warning and explaining things. Very big sister-y rather than girlfriend-y.
But proof I did find. Not THE fateful letter. That might be in another stack or it might really have been thrown out. But all the making out and dating of this "rebound" girl Tarzan was seeing in his despair was going on while we were still writing each other. So ha! Ha ha!

This is me and I am vindicated! It is sweet.


Anonymous said...

"...moving too fast..." my eye!
More like "Cease & Desist" spoken with gentle, sure inspiration.
That hussy wasn't gonna walk off with one of my treasures if I had anything to say about it!

Elizabeth said..., what a great find!

Anonymous said...

Oh Mom chill out.

From Whence You Cometh