Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blah De Blah Blah

Being sick really takes the will to think out of a person. Tarzan and I have been laying around for the last three days doing nothing. We've slept in, whined a bit, drunk hot things and then gone back to bed. It's been a party I tell you.
And it's raining. It's been raining for three days and it's supposed to last all week. The Jungle needs the rain and it's actual heavy, drumming, rain complete with thunder and lightening - which is rare - but it's also not conducive to my going outside.

This is me and am I boring enough for you?


Rocketgirl said...

Ditto. Can't be interesting when you're slowly dying.

RHM said...

Get well soon!

Elizabeth said...

Awwwwww...well, at least you are sick when it's not nice out...think about how it would be if the sun was out on a slightly warm spring day with a light breeze tickling the leaves on the trees outside...THAT would not be fun...

Time for you to get over the winter cold!

Bridget said...

Where are the big booty videos? Not that I need them posted on the internet. But I thought you would appreciate someone commenting on your blog, However I do see that people do it. Well... oh well

From Whence You Cometh