Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's Like I Never Left

There have been a few changes I have noticed since I got back. Yesterday night. (Apparently Tarzan got used to sleeping in the bed alone - it was only a week for crying out loud - and I woke up this morning - early this morning, cursed time zones - squished up in the upper corner of the bed as his big long legs were diagonally across the entire thing.
...but in other news the plants on the back porch were bigger:
Drier despite being watered every day:
And quite laden with the bugs:
But decidedly bigger. There are far more tomatoes than I had anticipated considering the late start we had:
Two varieties, I'm so excited:
With promise of a few more:
The cucumber - singular - is quite nice:
We shall eat it tomorrow I think.

This is me, checking to see what surprises are buried on my desk.

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

I was with you until the end when you said "We shall eat it tomorrow I think." All of the sudden, it sounded cannabalistic... am I wrong? I mean, I'd definately eat it, but I'm messed in the head.

From Whence You Cometh