Friday, August 07, 2009

Cynic Is My Middle Name

You might think I am a horrible person after reading this post and if that's so then I'm sorry. That's not how it was supposed to come out. I promise. First watch this:

And then tell me what you think. Is it totally unromantic of me to first wonder what sort of connection he must have to Disneyland that this could be arranged AND THEN coo at the adorableness of it all? (I don't really coo but you know what I mean.) Am I a cynic to wonder how they got it filmed and arranged and who are all those people singing and dancing rather than sigh and imagine myself in Erika's shoes? And who ARE all those people? Are they family? How much money did that cost? Why don't more people do it? These are the things that I think about when watching videos of this nature. No romance in my soul. I suppose I lucked out that Tarzan isn't an exhibitionist.

This is me, less than romantic today.


Elizabeth said...

Um...that was for real? Yeah...not romantical at all, and I am not opposed to clean exhibitionism when it comes to marriage proposals...

Rocketgirl said...

Yeah, that was over the cheesy. He obviously wanted to use it to get famous on YouTube, that was no amateur dude. And yeah, I was hoping for more dancers... regardless, he got the proposal he wanted. I hope she did too!

ATL said...

If this is legit: She had darn well better say yes after all that. It would be nice if it was real. Although, I don't envy Erika - you are now plastered all over YouTube without your knowing it. I do like her shirt though but with boots?. (Yes, definitely a cynic)

From Whence You Cometh