Friday, August 14, 2009

O Tarzan Where Art Thou?

So this whole being away from Tarzan thing is harder than I thought it would be.
(Do not misunderstand me - I love Rocketgirl, we're having a great time catching up and complaining about the dude who won't come out, Sunshine is marvelous and I am finding things to do. It's not that I am having a terrible time here, because I certainly am not. I'm even sleeping great.)
It's also not like Tarzan and I haven't ever been apart before. We've been lucky, I know, in that there aren't great long stretches of time when we are separated. Thank goodness neither one of us has to travel for our jobs, but he's had work retreats, there was the funeral, I went to The Frozen North and stuff like that. And even if I were at home, he wouldn't be. Scout Camp doesn't pack up until tomorrow. So why am I missing him so much?
This is new to me, and maybe that says a lot, but I've never felt like there was a hole, and actual gaping hole, in my person if Tarzan wasn't with me but now I do and it's weird. I have things to do, he has things to do, I call him, he calls me, every day, even if he has to climb to the top of a mountain out in the wilderness to get cell phone reception. It's only ten days and then I will be home again. What is my deal?
I wouldn't admit this to anyone but you Internets - I know you can keep a secret - but I cried when we hung up the phone today. Please realize, I am not That Girl. I don't cry at weddings, or funerals, or movies, or when something sweet happens. I don't even get blurry if an animal dies. I am not the girl who cries at the drop of a hat, or even when the hat is thrown in her face and the brim almost pokes her eye out so she'd be blind forever. I am the type of girl who pops the person who threw the hat in the face, not the one who cries about it, but there I was, sniffling, blinking my eyes really hard and dousing my face in cold water so I could go upstairs again.
What is happening to me?

This is me, missing Tarzan a whole freaking lot.


RHM said...

1) You've done a lot of things the past month. Sometimes if you cry--that's when it (stress, emotion, whatever) leaves. Took me years to understand that, but I'm also not an easy crier.

2) If I were Tarzan, I'd be hitching up my loin cloth and finding the first vine to Rocketgirl and Sunshine...

I know that its probably improbable, but at least the effort would be nice.

Rocketgirl said...

I miss Tarzan too :( And don't worry, if you feel the need to tear up, we're REALLY used to it around here ;) We love you!!!!!!!

From Whence You Cometh