Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go A - Oh, Wait

I swear we have the shortest rainstorms here in The Jungle. I woke up this morning - partially cloudy sky - and while eating breakfast it got dark. Really dark. And the rain came. It poured for about 30 seconds. Maybe a full minute, maybe, and it stopped and the sun came out.
That is not enough rain to dent the dust on my car, let alone water all my plants. If we gathered all the rain from the whole neighborhood into one tiny place it might make a whole inch deep. So disappointing - I wanted some weather.

This is me, not even damp.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poured here in Davis for 3 hours. Just as I was leaving for work. Dripping drops of dust onto my backpack as I biked home. gah.

From Whence You Cometh