Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Not At All Important
What I have come to realize is that the kind of person who would BE a good President would never get to be because they don't know enough people, make enough deals, talk out of both sides of their mouth, or make up enough promises. So we get those who are crooked enough to get there, despite not being able to do the job.
I hope whoever gets elected proves me wrong. I doubt they will.
So on a completely frivolous note I discuss the season opener of ER.
And I know, it's days late, but still.
Is it written into the contracts that some doctor must die every season? 'Cuz I don't know if I would want to get involved with a show like that. And will Abby and Luca leave County and move to another state? I sort of want them to. Will County get closed down? That's a rumor I heard. What will Carter do when he comes back? Will he mess with Abby again? I really, really, REALLY hope not.
This is the last season you know.
This is me, divided, and yet not.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
- I was never too enthralled with either of them. The songs. But the first one made more sense to me. The second one was just a bid for attention.
::Twosome: Yellow--lights: run 'em or slam on the brakes? ...or do you plan your speed so you never hit them yellow? ...or maybe, "What yellow light, Officer?"
- I like to think of myself as a safe driver, so it all depends on the yellow light. Close enough to run it? Likelihood the left hand turn-er from the other lane will kill me if I do. Police officer nearby? Was I paying attention? Things like that make all the difference.
::Threesome: Brick Road--s and flying monkeys? Okay, did those things just creep you out? ...or were you one of those people who really, really, really wanted one for a pet? Just askin'...
- I was not creeped out by the flying monkeys. And after seeing Wicked, it all makes a certain kind of sense. Though I never did, and still don't want one for a pet. It's all make-believe you know.
This is me, too many memes for the week?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Who Plays On Thursday?
I suppose I should be thankful it's a Pac-10 team we are losing to but I can't put a lot a enthusiasm into it. Yeah, make the rest of the country notice that we are a respectable conference, blah, blah, blah, but when they lose next week to a nothing team, this sacrifice will mean nothing.
And what is the deal with playing in the middle of the week? Who plays on a Thursday?
An interception is not going to get us anywhere boys. Crappity, crap, crap, crap.
And I don't like this new 40 second play clock, because NOW OSU can take the knee four times and use up the whole 1:16 left.
This is me, watching the chances for another National Championship title going down the drain.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Eight Is Great
The apology: Well, now I feel the right loser of a person. After crying like a child day before yesterday, Keah went and edited her blog so that I could shut the freak up and just post the meme. I am such a whiner. And she is such a nice person. I don't deserve to be her in my next life.
(And here I am whining again! Gah! Is there a whiners anonymous or a whiners rehab a person could check into?)
The meme as promised from two days ago:
8 Things I'm Passionate About
- Tarzan
- Family
- The gospel
- Wicked
- Fairness
- Anything Irish
- Stephanie J. Block
- College Football
8 Words Or Phrases I Say Often
- Dude
- Groovy
- Oy
- Seriously?
- I love you three
- What's up?
- Bad kitty
- Honey, can you reach that?
8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die
- Cruise Greek islands
- Visit Australia
- Tour Europe
- Have a bunch of kids
- Remodel my house (this one or another one)
- Serve a couples mission for the church
- Have a big garden
- Own a Saturn Sky convertible - in forest green
8 Things I Pray For
- Peace
- Our families
- Tarzan
- The neighborhood
- Continued safety
- The government
- Continued health
- The kids at church
8 Things I Have Learned
- Tarzan is awesome
- The proper equipment makes ALL the difference
- I cannot tell a joke well
- How to work the DVR
- Humor is essential for all relationships
- Pie crust is very temperamental
- My thumb is only a little bit green
- To not say everything I am thinking
and now I tag Rocketgirl, RHM and PhatFiddle.
This is me, tagged! Whoot.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Not The Meme You Were Expecting
First, Julianne and Cody. I think we've covered my view on Julianne enough to not reiterate the whole thing again. Cody seems funny though, so I may not hate them totally. Ew, on Julianne's dress. The cha-cha (why do they insist on calling it the cha-cha-cha - that is not the correct name of the dance.) was not bad. A lot of poses, not a lot of content. And "the flash of youth" (Bruno's metaphor, not mine) messed up in the middle there.
Can we let it go with the "combined ages" business? Jeepers, let's just rub it in everyone's face?
I think I can love Rocco and Karina is growing on me. Her dress also was ugly though. LOVED their song! Big Bad VooDoo Daddy all day, any day. I agree with Carrie-Ann, their foxtrot WAS cute. (What is up with her hair? Not liking that.) A little wild, but that could be nerves too.
I already love Alec and Toni didn't cop an attitude in her opening interview. I liked their cha-cha. My gut says it was good. She missed a few flourishes, but that is definitely nerves. Her feet weren't bad. I think they messed up one part but it wasn't obvious.
I didn't know Maurice Green was the guy who set his shoes on fire and Cheryl is, hands down, my favorite professional. And her hair is short again. Yay! They will have fun together. The foxtrot was good. Energetic for sure. My gut says, "head up and shoulders down, dude." But he can work on that. At least he's got rhythm.
Brooke seems to be a model with some potential. The last two on this show got sent home the first week. Total rip-off, but I'm not going back there. Derek seems to be maturing and I like that. He also seems to be a good teacher. I thought it was a good cha-cha. Nice combination of moves. She might need some more restraint in the upper, um, chest area...she's humble though. So sweet.
I'm with Tom, save some of the high numbers for next week.
Ted is going to be funny. He didn't really know what to do when they weren't in a hold, but when they were he was very graceful. I think he missed a step somewhere at the beginning, but a really nice ending. Inna hasn't been on the show before so I don't know if she knows the deal with showcasing a partner's talents or judging the audience. She seems nice enough.
Okay. Not entirely sure who is the professional and who the newbie in the Lance/Lacey combo. He seems really poised and she seems a little excited. She's got the moves, yet he has the stage presence. Not sure I am down with the "edge." Maybe it's just the costumes? Len didn't like it, as I figured, and I think it will lean more that direction when they get into the smooth dances. Two 8s? Really?
OMG, Cloris and Corky are so hilarious! Mostly Cloris. I hope she stays just for the amusement factor. I thought Carrie-Ann was going to hyperventilate. I'm gonna say no, though. Heel leads, heel leads, heel leads. I think she lost her balance once? And I see where Mark learned to sing along with the music. Not bad, she IS 82!
Oy. Jeffrey is another one who will be funny. He's got to speed it up though. It was a little slow. A lot slow. Cute. Funny. But not a lot of content and again, WHAT was Edyta wearing?
What is up with the Mickey Mouse gloves on Mark? Kim certainly doesn't lack for confidence, but her balance could be a problem. Their foxtrot was smooth. She seemed stiff maybe. Maybe it was that her head didn't move at all. The music was cute, and Mark is a really good choreographer.
Susan needs to unbend her arms, and speed it up. Tony is marvelous, always. She seemed stiff and nervous. I get that, it's really hard and she's not a spring chicken, but if she relaxes it will be better.
(Do you like how as the night goes on the reviews get shorter?)
Yay Maksim! So excited to have him back. He's so cute and so funny. Misty needs to work on her arms. Elbows, shoulders, wrists. Again with the sports chicks who have bad posture. Such different muscles. She certainly looks better on stage than in rehearsals, and I think they edit it that way on purpose.
Warren can move! He's got great feet, but he's a big man. He's going to have to work on the hips. But he also seems like a nice guy. Kym should not wear that outfit. It makes her look all top and no bottom. Which I suppose is not a bad thing if you're a guy, but it's very disproportional.
Whew, that was a long show. I almost forgot some of the first dancers.
This is me, settling in for the season.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Stealth Is Our Middle Name
But here's my deal.
It's all about the stealth. One of the things I loved most when I started reading blogs was the code names people thought up for themselves and their families. What a genius idea, thought I. Fun, cute, interesting AND it provided some moniker of protection in The Real World. I was so excited that our Internet identities came together so nicely. Tarzan, Jane, The Jungle. My smart readers can probably figure out the basics, and of course family knows all the details, but I enjoy the idea that random viewers don't know who we are and come back for the sake of the content, not because they know us. Is that stupid and self absorbed? Snickollet managed it for years, until she got so famous there were articles online and in real papers that outed her. Since I have nothing profound to say and blog because I write better than I speak and spend a large amount of my day on the computer, I doubt we will become famous.
Am I obsessing over unnecessary things? Maybe people don't actually follow the links in a blog entry, and I am being silly about this. What's the likelihood our "cover" will be blown if I link to the tagger's blog?
This is me obsessing, and yes the meme will come tomorrow.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Not Really An Ode
Just sayin'.
On the less neurotic side, she really is a great actress, her voice in phenomenal and she seems to be a perfectly lovely person in real life. (Or as real a life as I am privy to.)
This is me, wishing for my idol much joy and a marvelous birthday.
Loss Of Connectivity
- I can't say that has ever happened to me - usually there is something I can stomach (a cast iron one is what I have) but if that were to be the case...I think it would depend on the situation. At a person's house I would pretend to eat it - and pretend to be full really soon. If at a function, then not eat and get out as soon as possible. Otherwise...never visit that restaurant again.
::Twosome: of-- the last three days, we've lost Net access in Central CaliLand most of the time. I'm thinking it has to do with the lack of a State budget out here. Do you have long periods of disconnect where you are?
- Not that I have noticed. I can aimlessly read blogs and search random queries with little or no effort or impediment. And I think they have fixed the budget now? No? Hopefully it gets done soon.
::Threesome: Connectivity:--, addiction or necessity? Is the Net essential to your daily activities (yes, work counts!)? ...or would you even notice if someone cut the wire?
- I think I would definitely miss the Internet if it wasn't there, but I have been known to go whole days (gasp!) without using it so it's certainly possible. But I wouldn't like to have it happen regularly.
This is me, with a total random comment: Alan Rickman was HOT as a young man. (Die Hard on TV in the background.)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Odd Perhaps?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
They Were So Not
Us: 35
Them: 3
Yeah, not even a full on touchdown. Who is #1? Not Ohio State.
This is me, in all likelihood cursing the team for the rest of the season because of this post.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Memories From The Past
- I don't know if I've told this story before. Probably last year...but where was I? I was on my way to work, because I don't watch TV before I leave the house in the morning, and the radio in my car was set to CD so I didn't even know anything had happened until I got to work and the boss was freaking out. So I called Tarzan and he knew of course, but the kids still had to go to school and there was an assembly and he had to go. So we listened to the radio in the office and then I went home at lunch and watched it all over and over on TV.
::Twosome: the-- thought occurs: Should this be a holiday? ...or perhaps a day of remembrance with a moment of silence nationwide?
- I realize this event is still recent in our minds, and a lot of people think it should be a holiday. But I think not. We didn't make a holiday out of Pearl Harbor - it's still remembered and for some people it means more than for others. This is the same thing for me.
::Threesome: Past-- 'days that will live in infamy': do you recall any other days of tragedy that have a placeholder on your mental calendar?
- Well, the day MQ died will not be forgotten. But I choose not to dwell on that too much. I much prefer to remember the good days. Happily for me, there has not been a lot of tragedy in my life. So there aren't too many days like that.
Bonus: Who's quote did I paraphrase in the question above?
- That would be FDR from the speech after Pearl Harbor was attacked.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
9 to 5: The Musical
Megan Hilty was good as Doralee Rhodes. You could totally tell that she had been inspired by Dolly Parton's portrayal but it worked. She seemed to have more songs? Maybe just that she had the connecting pieces of songs? Whatever, it seemed like she sang solos a lot. But she's got a great voice so it was okay. The songs definitely added to the show. It made the dream sequences fit better, I thought, and it was surely good to hear them all sing. Probably not a Tony winner, except for the set designer. That guy, Scott Pask, he deserves a Tony. It was a really intricate set, but not cumbersome. Really flexible, and creative. They utilized the trap in the middle of the stage. (It's my guess that that's what caused the technical difficulty in the middle of the second act.) My sister totally has a crush on the musical director, Stephen Oremus. He was cute but the guy that was really yummy, for me, was Andy Karl, who played Joe. Oh boy, he can ask me to make copies any time he likes. The "boss," Franklin Hart was played by Marc Kudisch and he did such a good job that I didn't like him. I know we're not supposed to, but I certainly didn't, so I guess that makes it a success?
The sad part is, I can't recommend the show to my friends. All the good parts were really good, but the gratuitous nudity was not. I don't agree with it but I could at least understand why they thought it would be funny to put the guy with the hospital gown in, but what was with the girl in the lavatory scene? No need for that, no point, it didn't even make sense. That was a bummer. Because, otherwise it was a cute show. It was funny - the required political comments - it was musical, Dolly certainly did a good job with the lyrics and everything. I will be buying the soundtrack, if they make one and if Stephanie is on it. It was creative. But I can't send people I know and like to see it.
This is me, back from the theater.
Monday, September 08, 2008
I Wish I Was This Cool
Weding Party Dance - Click here for another funny movie.

This is me, impressed.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Momma Mia

Friday, September 05, 2008
Greenwaste Disposal Facility
- If we wanted to buy a green bucket for the truck to dump we could. As is evidenced by our front yard, we don't do any trimming or yard care ANYway, so what's to collect? The thing I am most excited about right now - though it's not really greenwaste - is The Jungle is offering to collect kitchen scraps in a pail for composting. I think we might just use it for our compost but use their pail. It's nicer than the ones we use.
- We most definitely do. There are facilities that take items, there are drop off places to leave items. Stuff like that. It's handy. They're trying to make it easy to recycle.
::Threesome: Facility--, facilitate, faculty, faculties... Do you ever get any of those a little mixed up? Just curious...
- I suppose I do, when speaking, but not when writing. I like to write for that specific reason. The ability to edit. and spellcheck. Awesome.
This is me, considering disposing of some items now.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Half Asleep
Maybe it's that the cats always sleep ON me and so my dreams are in some way connected to them. That's probably it.
This is me, with the weird that is my normal.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
In Which We Almost Got Something For Nothing
Lots of food, lots of hanging out. It was mostly relaxing which is what one wants the day before back-to-school madness. (Tarzan was pretty exhausted today when he got home.)
In reference to the title of this post however, we did do one errand. Monday morning we went to Home Depot to get the propane tank refilled. We stood in the Returns line, as I was told we should, and the girl asked if we had paid already and I said "yes, this is a refill." She called some dude to come and exchange the tanks and he offered to put it in the car for us. (Young man hefting heavy things for ladies; it's a cheap thrill but no one gets hurt.) He did so and bid us a good day. Didn't ask for a receipt or proof of purchase or anything.
Now, if we were not honest, upstanding members of the community, we could have driven off right then and not paid for the refill. But we are not. So we went back in and told the girl. She did not seem at all concerned about it. No thanking us for being honest, or making a joke or nothing. Just "okay, that'll be $20."
This is me, not as special as I thought I was.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Mail Call
"Saturday, September 20th, 2008
Join us for a BBQ lunch; then view the new facilities and program opportunities at Forest Lawn..."
This is me, should I be checking out that neighborhood?