Friday, September 21, 2007

My Two Cents

This is probably as unbiased a piece as there is to be found in the nation right now about the whole Jena 6 thing. So much is wrong with that situation. So. Much. On so many levels. Jeepers. First, why is there even a division such that there's a tree only white kids sit under?! Heeelllloooo? Does anyone else see a problem with this? So a black kid asks permission to sit under the tree? Asks permission? Are you kidding me? Seems like something should have been done loooong ago at this school. Then there's retaliation from the the white kids, which was yet another wrong action. What did they THINK was going to happen in Louisiana with nooses in a tree? And then some white kid gets beat up by six black kids. Yeah, six-to-one odds seems fair to me. Then there's party crashers and broken bottles and someone pulls a gun and it just keeps getting worse. Anger, anger and more anger. Sure, I don't live there. I have no idea what the environment is like. Yes, it's the stereotypical uneducated deep south. But it's 2007 people! Does is always have to be one group mad to the point of violence towards another? Haven't we learned ANYthing from the last 7,000 years? Apparently not. No one forgives, no one lets it go, no one turns the other cheek. How do we live with ourselves as a species? I sure don't know.

This is me, disgusted.

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

This story makes me sick. The fault lies on the educators and parents, it really does. They never taught these kids how to deal with conflict, and allowed a horrible atmosphere of racial predjudice to form for years. The protest under the tree was a fantastic place to start - and it was the right thing for the kids to do. But from that point administration and the adults tried to ignore the issue instead of embracing it. So the kids lashed out in unhealthy ways because a kid's brain doesn't fully develop into their early 20s, so they didn't fully grasp the consequences of their actions. It's sick that the result is jail time at such a young age but the kids who did the beating are NOT MARTYRS. The media keeps trying to show them as innocent victims, but they commited a crime. It's sad that now they need to pay for it, when it was a crime that could have been prevented had the adults curbed such a dangerous atmosphere years ago, but if the school isn't going to teach the kids how to safely resolve their conflicts, the judicial system has to teach them that their actions have consequences.

Where, it felt good to get that out there. Seriously, I want to whack just about every media person in the head. They aren't focusing on the school and their horrible handling of this situation. I want to applaud the kids who sat under the tree in the first place, and those that protested there. It was a great message to send, but the administration wasn't listening. Now they focus on the kids who thought violence was the answer... well, that's where it's sensational I guess.

From Whence You Cometh