Monday, September 14, 2009


It must be the result of yesterday being such a great day because today totally sucked. We all have days when stuff goes wrong but today was one of my worst.
It started off with a rather large bank snafu, which will be fixed eventually but it was highly irritating.
Then the cat threw up on the clean bedspread.
I went out for groceries and had to visit five stores to find all the things I needed - man, does the South Central Jungle need a decent market.
When I came home I found a different cat had thrown up on the bed. That's a lot of sheets to wash in one day and WHAT is it about my bed that makes such an attractive vomit platform?
I forgot to run an errand for Tarzan - it turns out it wasn't as urgent as originally thought but I didn't know that when I forgot to do it.
While taking the sheets out of the dryer a fold caught on Tarzan's bike and not only did I drop the clean sheets on the dirty shed floor but I got a lovely scratch down my arm for my troubles.
While making dinner everything that could splash or fall or slip did. I had hot water, olive oil, chicken, Pad Thai sauce, dish soap, and watermelon on my person before I was done.
The strainer fell over and I lost a third of the noodles down the sink.
Two pieces of watermelon slipped off the cutting board onto my feet and splatted across the floor.
The lime I was squeezing over the dish slipped and I gouged out a piece of my index finger with my thumb nail.
I am hoping that the end of it but there's still a few hours to go.

This is me, wanting to start the day over.


Phat Fiddle said...

Sorry to hear of your unfortunate karma depletion. I'll over-night you some karma and hope it works out better tomorrow :)

Elizabeth said...

Wow...I really hope today goes MUCH better!!!

Rocketgirl said...

Darn karma. So many things that go wrong in one day has to mean there a lot of good stuff coming your way??

From Whence You Cometh