Friday, July 10, 2009

The House Always Wins

Who bet that I'd have trigger finger again?
Ding ding. You win the prize!
Which is...a phone call from me when my thumb is fixed and I can dial it again. (Don't say I never gave you anything Internet peoples.)
Yes, I once again had to go back to the doctor - the one only three years older than me with the bald-on-purpose head who has seen me so often for a condition someone my age is not supposed to have this much and he might have been flirting with me not in an overt way but slightly more than usual way - and I received a Cortisone shot in my right thumb for the second time. If there's a third occurrence in the same finger/thumb I will need surgery. And frankly, that freaks me out a whole lot. I do not want him - even if he is cute for a bald doctor - to have to cut my thumb all the way to the bone and then slice the sheath that holds my tendon to my bone open.
This does not sound like a fun afternoon.
And the amusing thing is my left thumb - the one that started all the trouble - hasn't had a single episode since it was Cortisone-ed over a year ago. Who knew my mouse thumb worked harder than the hand I write with?

This is me on a much too familiar basis with the plastic surgeon.

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

holy snap, you need a new hobby! What on earth do you do with those hands that triggers the trigger anyway??

From Whence You Cometh