Friday, July 31, 2009

And That Was How It Was

This has been quite a week. Such a week that I did not even make mention of Tarzan's first AND second posts. Yay Tarzan! They were both well received and for that I thank you Internet peeps. From the nature of these first two I suspect Tarzan's posts will be heavily esoteric; thoughtful, well researched and insightful but for the day to day nonsense you will have to rely on me. Such is the way of the world.
As for the week's events; we have seen two shows - Tarzan and I saw his cousin in a very amature production of Beauty and the Beast last Friday night. It was darling; especially the tiny little kid who played Gaston, and played it to the hilt. If there were Tonys for amature, I would give it to him. He sold that role and he was about half the size of the girl playing Belle - Tarzan's cousin had that part and did excellently - and ATL and I saw Fiddler on the Roof with Topol. That man has to be nearing 80 but he was Tevye and it was awesome. He got nearly 5 minutes of applause when he first stepped on the stage and it was like coming home to watch him. No changing the role, no hamming it up, nothing to indicate he'd done this over 2,500 times before on stage and screen - you heard me, twenty-five HUNDRED times. That's a lot. He played it straight and so genuinely I totally believed him and wanted it to come out differently for his sake, though I knew it wouldn't. That's a good show.
AND THEN Tarzan and I will be seeing Spamalot tonight. so excited. (When am I not excited to see musical theater I ask you?) I am sure it will be very different from Fiddler on the Roof, but no less interesting and enjoyable.
What else did we do? Lessee, we visited Gamma and GOM - same ol' same ol' there - went to the beach - whole 'nother post there with the swimsuit story - groceries, cleaned the house, had some friends over for dinner, trimmed the bushes etc. back, fed the plants and the cats - I think Belle may have wandered off from our possession too - whoever is taking my cats needs to stop it already - did some laundry...oh yeah and trucked over 200 grapefruit out to my parents' house. Grapefruit from GOM's tree, which were just going to go bad since he can't eat that many and no one else around is either, and to my parents so my mom can bottle them up for my father to drink all year round.
You know, the usual.

This is me, summing it up.

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

Dagnabit, Spamalot?!?! So jealous I feel pain that is non-pregnancy induced. I can't wait to hear all the GOM stories in person!!

From Whence You Cometh