Monday, July 13, 2009

Weird Dream #29

So I dreamed a dream last night, all alone in the gigantic bed that belonged to Tarzan's grandparents. (All alone because Tarzan has jury duty this week so he's staying home until it's completed.)
In this dream,I was in the military - possibly navy but i don't know why I think that - and at basic training in New Jersey, I met Amanda Tapping - of Stargate SG-1 fame, though her name was not Amanda, or Samantha as she's known on Stargate. And can I just say, though I saw her first as Helen on Sanctuary:
I much prefer her look as Samantha Carter on SG-1:
But my dream. I met Amanda Tapping and we became friends but then got deployed to different places. Fast forward a few years - and I mean that quite literally, suddenly it's years later - and I'm going to a 'function' that I know she will be attending. I push through the crowd until I am right behind her and say hello. She turns around and appears surprised and overjoyed to see me. She hugs me fiercely, says "I love you," and can we find somewhere to be alone. I suggest her place or mine and she chooses mine. We leave the party and trundle through the cold and snow to my apartment building where we go through this elaborate elevator trip to my floor. Since we left we haven't said much to each other but I have the feeling she wanted to leave a certain impression with people at the event and that we're only going to be friends from here on out. We get to my apartment and I realize that I haven't told her I'm looking after my grandfather - hmm, wonder where that came from? - and I had left him in the care of a guy from church while I went out. She rushes in ahead of me, offering to help, just as this guy comes from the other room, and then I woke up.

This is me, with an oddly structured yet not unpleasant, weird dream.

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

That is really stuctured and detailed, how odd. My dreams mostly invovled running and flailing... being able to eat chocolate again should solve that :)

From Whence You Cometh