Monday, July 27, 2009

Let My People Go

Tarzan likes to watch The History Channel and sometimes I watch too. I don't always care about war machines and stuff, but this week we have a very interesting quasi-documentary called The Exodus:Decoded. The premise is this one guy trying to prove that the Israelites' exodus from Egypt really happened. He's got scientific evidence of the ten plagues and reasons for the parting of the Red Sea and for all happenings in the Bible. I have always been a fan of moderation and I think religion and science can work together with no ill effects so I like to watch and see what they can come up with.
I am sure it is not supposed to be, but I am finding this one highly amusing. And not for the reasons one might think.
I am not as amused by their desire to find physical proof of the Bible as by James Cameron being listed as an expert in the subject and talking like he knows stuff about archeology and Biblical happenings.
Amused that they never ask anyone from the LDS church to be a religious scholar on the Bible but they ask dudes who hang out in mountain caves what their professional opinion is.
Maybe because of James Cameron being part of the deal the special effects are amazing and the soundtrack is similar to The Bourne Identity.
And I guess the thing that makes me laugh the most is the narrator talks to us in such reverent tones it's like he expects the bush to still be burning when he walks up Mount Sinai.

This is me, watching some dude in the heat and the sun and not wishing I was there.

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

James Cameron is a Biblican scholar now?! Awesome. I think I just saw one of the horsemen of the apocalypse trot by.

From Whence You Cometh