Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Open Wide-r

It seems as if I have spent an awful lot of time in the dentist's chair AGAIN this spring, and I have to say it's not my favorite place to sit and read for three hours. Yes, that's correct, THREE. HOURS. Three hours just hanging out and anticipating the fun of having a crown and post removed so another dentist could mess around in the back of my mouth only so the first dentist could go back in for a new crown and post. Just the way I wanted to spend my first free day since we got back from The Frozen North.
Of course it didn't turn out exactly like that or what would be the reason for my posting about it? The initial post and crown removal went according to plan, except for the three hours part of it. I barely made it to the specialist on time for the rummaging part of the day. After the "fun" part of the appointment involving Novocaine (Note to the curious, Novocaine is much better AFTER you have had it once, the same day, because then you don't notice the needle jabs and only have the fun of the tongue that doesn't work right anymore.) I was given the news: my tooth was apparently broken during the inital root canal and might have to be pulled instead of fixed. We chew on the last molar in our mouth only about 18% of the time, and if it had to be pulled, "you wouldn't know it was gone," said this special endontic surgeon. Thank you, that's very comforting. And I suspect a little inaccurate in my case. I have to come to be excessively familiar with the fact that my mouth is small. Tiny even. Minuscule. Geckos have larger mouths than I. WORMS have larger mouths than I. (The little skinny ones that come out after it rains.) I mentioned the time they had to pull out the child's plate to take the impression for my crown? Today was much the same. The dentist removing the previously installed crown had two things to say. To me: open wider honey. And to the assistant: get me smaller tools. Awesome. Some things never change.

This is me, back in the chair and wishing it had a higher voltage.

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From Whence You Cometh