meeting Firefly:
Squishy chilling with Grandpa:
Aunt B getting her head in a family pic:
Opening some presents early so Nana could see:
Two sharp looking dudes, ready for church:
I was not feeling really good on Christmas but I managed some pictures. LittleJ opening his football first - Daddy has some high expectations apparently:
BabyR REALLY loved her stuffed doggy - good choice S and E:
R liked his laptop I think:
Nana in one of her rare still moments - I think I know where my flurrying nature comes from:
Tarzan letting his emotions get the better of him - again...:
The horses were a big draw for the grand kids, though I don't know how their parents felt about it. E was not as enthusiastic as LittleJ about riding the "horsie!" B was really good about taking him out on Ginger and he loved it:
Pippin and Gitgo share a sniff:
Tarzan must have gotten bored when I was sick - yes that is me, asleep, covered in kitties who are indignant I have taken their typical sleeping space. That's Ocelot by my face, Belle ON my arm, Ice by my feet, Train Wreck by my rump and if you look close you can see Mikey tucked up by my shoulder:
B got me a sponge cake pan in the shape of a COLISEUM for Christmas so I HAD to make one up for the Rose Bowl game - really, I think it helped the Trojans defeat the Illini so handily:
I was preparing for church last Saturday and Mikey came to sit on my lap, in the middle of my notes. I think she thought she could do a better job. She even 'offered' to hold my pen - but she needs those glasses, her penmanship is horrible:
This is me, sharing some memories from the holidays.
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