Friday, January 04, 2008

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It has come to my attention that the world did not stop while I was sick and on vacation. What's up with that? There are so many blogs to catch up on and comments to make and the memes! In my attempt to forget that I was sick I will catch you up on ALL the memes I missed over the holidays. And that's a lot. Because I love you THAT much faithful readers, I do.
::Onesome: 'Tis-- Hmmm... More or less an older contraction? Do you have any semi-archaic words you use regularly?
  • I use a number of the older contractions, 'tis, 'twould, and 'taint. I also use 'groovy', 'chicks' and 'dudes.' I think I just like slang that's unusual.
::Twosome: the-- heck you say? Okay, how about a 'regional' saying you're known to be fond of? You know, the one the relatives just don't get when you say it on the phone... Sure, slang will work.

  • I try not to "date" myself by using regional phrases. Probably comes from my father telling us to not talk like Canadians or we would get made fun of when we moved back to the States.
::Threesome: Season--ings for the season? Mulled cider? Peppermint bark? Apple pie? What do you look forward to in the Winter months?
  • Nothing like cider with cinnamon when it's cold and blowy or rainy out. Hmm, Apple is good too. Hot chocolate is good. Cinnamon rolls are a favorite in our house. I have never been a fan of peppermint, mint or the like.

: Angels-- as tree topppers? ...or spires? Stars? Bears? What do you like to use to set off that tree?

  • When we have a tree - which has been a couple of years now, travel and all - we have an angel. My parents have a star. Don't know anyone who uses anything other than those two...bears would be interesting.
::Twosome: we have-- heard you're getting something special this year! Do you have any idea what any of your Christmas presents are going to be?

  • Well, this is after the fact of course, but I did suspect Tarzan's present. The man stresses SO MUCH about getting me something "good" that he usually asks if it's okay before he buys it and I have to "forget" about it before the big day. He was better this year, but when he asked my size I figured some clothes were on the way. (They were and they fit, so it could be worse right?)
::Threesome: ...heard-- the worst Christmas song ever this year? Which one is it for you? I mean that one that even if Aunt Martha is playing it on Christmas Eve puts you out on the porch!
  • I hate the "Christmas Shoes" song. Pretty sure Aunt Martha doesn't even know it, thankfully, but it irks me to no end. Also, I think 'Silent Night' is overdone. That is - EVERYone has to sing it and some people really shouldn't. Maybe that's my real beef. The person singing the song - not the actual song itself...
::Onesome: Better-- butter than margarine? ...or Mayonnaise? What goes on your bread for sandwiches? How about dinner rolls? Honey, anyone?
  • Butter is TOTALLY better than margarine for rolls and biscuits. And honey can be used, sparingly on biscuits, but not rolls. Mayonnaise is disgusting - always. None of those go on a sandwich though. PB&J is just that. Peanut butter and jam/jelly. And not always the jam/jelly. Meat gets mustard...what else is there?
::Twosome: Late-- again! I think that's something I do about once a year. May I blame it on Christmas cleaning? How about you: is your place all cleaned up from the paper-fest? ...or can you even get to the door yet?
  • Fortunately there will be (were) no large gatherings of people at my house for the holidays. Bless Renay for not getting too deep into my cleaning habits. I swear she is a saint for coming back to our place every year.
::Threesome: than Never-- again? Do you have any Christmas memories (this year or Christmas Pasts) that you'd just like to never repeat? I'm thinking humorous stories would be best!
  • Yes, humorous would be best. See my last post for reasons why I would not do this year again. Another reason would be the wonky weather out at my parent's house. Tarzan likes to "camp" in a tent in the backyard - privacy and whatever. This year the moon was blazingly bright full on the top of the tent, I swear I thought the flood light had been turned on (at 2am I thought it was 7), the wind howled like a banshee and knocked things over, including a metal cabinet ready for the recycle bin 'round about 5am when I was just getting back to some real sleep after the moon moved...yeah, not my first suggestion for a repeat performance.
::Onesome: Twenty-five?-- Good age to be? ...or bad age to survive? Can you look back at this time without cringing? ...or are you there yet?
  • Twenty-five was not as much fun as twenty-four. Twenty-five was a tough year, marriage wise - growing pains you know - and employment wise and housing wise. Twenty-six was okay too. But I could be twenty-four forever. That was a great year.
::Twosome: or Six-- ways to help yourself out? ...or maybe just one? If you could send a piece of advice for yourself at twenty-five, what would it be? ...and if you are twenty-five? Well, can the gang here answer any questions for you?
  • Hmmm, in retrospect; stress less, don't be so stubborn, believe in yourself, trust Tarzan.
::Threesome: to Four-- pounds of See's candy over the holidays? Did you survive 'growing season'? How's it looking out there? I've already seen the displays up for Valentine's Day! Can we survive the constant onslaught of the chocolatiers?
  • The Valentine stuff is a tad early in my opinion. Who is going to buy chocolate NOW for six weeks from now and then hope it still tastes good? I sure don't know. I managed to avoid a lot of the Christmas candy at the office and I was really sick at home and didn't feel like eating anything. In fact, I may have lost weight because all I did was sleep and blow my nose. Crappy way to do it, but if it works, who's to knock it?
Bonus points: Who did this song and when?
  • No idea - I totally suck at knowing artists. I also stink at knowing dates. And titles. Really, all I'm good for is the lyrics. I can remember lots of lyrics. :-)
This is me with a whole lotta memes.

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

A-MEN!!!!!!!! I am so glad that you hate that Christmas Shoes song!!! Everytime I hear it I get angry and then choked up because it is so manipulative and then pissed off again because that ind of cheesy manipulation is such BAD WRITING. AGH!! Nicole and Connor sang it at CHristmas two years ago and as much as I love them, not throwing things at them was SO HARD TO DO!!

From Whence You Cometh