Monday, August 27, 2007


So apparently when I take my car to the Automotive Shop and ask them to change the oil, find out why the fan stays on after I turn the car off and check it out because it passed 70,000 miles, there were too many words to follow. What I should have said was: MAKE SURE IT DOESN'T BREAK DOWN TWO DAYS LATER. So much easier.
After the oil change etc. on Saturday and all day yesterday it ran just fine but THIS MORNING my car would not start. Well it mostly started, but it couldn't complete the exercise. What's so special about Monday morning? Monday morning when I don't really want to go to work anyway so I'm dragging my feet getting out the door and once I've determined that since I have to go I might as well get going...the car won't start. It's enough to make a girl just call in sick and go back to bed.
Luckily I have Tarzan.
He let me borrow his car so I would not be tremendously late to the office and offered to get it towed to the shop. (Thank you AAA) His school doesn't start until Wednesday and other than defeating all the nations of the world, which he can do on his laptop, he does not have any pressing engagements today. And he sent me an e-card with flowers. Because he's sweet that way.
This is me, a lucky girl with a busted car.

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