Thursday, August 16, 2007


Today we are asked:
Onesome: Going out-- means what? Deal with this and plan that and...? ...or can you just leave and hit it ... where? Hmmm... Where is "out" for you?

  • 'Out' has a multiplicity of levels. There's 'out' to do errands. And 'out' to church or Scouts. And there's 'out' with family. And 'out' with Tarzan. Obviously the last is the most relaxing and enjoyable. The first is most boring and the most common. The others are necessities - sometimes fun, sometimes stressful. Usually we have to schedule time out. Occasionally, like Tuesday, we can be spontaneous. I had a meeting in down south of The Jungle and stopped at his library on the way back for lunch. We went 'out' then.

Twosome: " the dogs?" Is that just a strange expression? ...or do you 'get' it? What's the most curious expression you've heard or you use and others don't 'get'?
  • It's an older expression - I think it refers to the days when animals, dogs particularly, ate leftovers, table scraps, slept in the barn, or out in the weather - so if something was "going to the dogs" it was less-than-acceptable-for-humans. It's used not as much this day and age we feed and treat our pets better than we do ourselves in a lot of cases.

  • The one I use that others have to think about (or sometimes just ignore) is..."where are we going? and why are we in a hand basket?"

Threesome: Dinner-- bells and chuck wagon triangles: what sound means food to you? Okay, okay, sure, the ice cream truck counts.

  • What sound(s) mean food? I don't think I have an aural trigger that means eating should commence. We had a bell in grade school, but it was the same bell that meant recess and dismissal...same for high school. College wasn't an eating kind of time. My mom used to yell "Dinner!" out the back door when we were kids if that counts. Even the ice cream guy had a song (It's A Small World) that meant something other than what he was bringing. Now smells, when the question comes to smell I have a lot of answers for that.

This is me responding to the weekly meme.

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