Saturday, February 07, 2009


Since ATL moved out to go to school I have been surprised at how much I miss her. I hadn't realized how much time we had spent together when she lived with us and how much of a void there is now that she lives at school. School's really not that far away and we see her every other week - laundry day you know - and sometimes in between, but it's not the same. So I was glad for the chance to pick her up from work last night and go shopping. Nothing as therapeutic as shopping.
I was also glad for Target's penchant for jumping the gun holiday style. Despite Valentine's Day being in a week, the first thing to assault our eyes when walking through the automated front doors was a sea of green and sparkly. I do love me some green and sparkly. All the St. Patrick's Day stuff was out and I could not have been happier. We bought some silly glasses for another sister, tried on many hats that have nothing to do with the Emerald Isle other than the color scheme and I got this for our dining room-that's-really-a-hall between the living room and kitchen:I don't know if it's inherently Irish either, but it's a nice sentiment and just what I needed to hear yesterday.

This is me, glad for some retail therapy.

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

I have to rush to Target and pick that up! What a fabulous thought! I already picked up almost everything green in their dollar spot :)

From Whence You Cometh