Monday, February 09, 2009

It All Makes Sense Now

I suppose I should feel guilty for fighting with Tarzan (well not fighting exactly, more like disagreeing harshly) lately as his motivation for being cranky and irritable and grouchy is because he is sick. Not his usual kind of sick either, but feverish and achy and there has been lots of moaning and groaning which is highly irregular for the manly man that is Tarzan. He even missed church yesterday and THAT right there is reason enough to call a doctor - if they still made house calls, though they don't and why is that? Considering what we pay them in premiums and co-pays and all, the least they could do is come to the house where we wouldn't have to leave our warm beds and put on clothes so they can tell us to drink fluids and get lots of rest...really they go to school for 40 years to tell us that? - but he seems to be on the mend despite this having been his position for the last two days:

This is me, with a sick Tarzan.

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

1. We totally have the same blanket (I'm sitting on it right now) 2. You totally can't be blamed for letting Tarzan getting on your nerves. Sick husbands are the worst!

From Whence You Cometh