Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Not A Crowded Theater

I had a post percolating about the work going on in the yard but that can wait - this is so much better.
First, what does this look like on my car?:
If you guessed ash then you win the prize! Yes, yes it is ash. Apparently one of our neighbors was barbecuing a leetle too close to the fence. He blew on the flame - don't ask - and it caught the dried morning glory vines aflame. That spread rather quickly and the whole mass fell onto, you guessed it, our side of the fence. Fortunately I was at home because the neighbor was scurrying back and forth from his - front - apartment to the backyard carrying little buckets of water to splash over the fence when I went out to photograph the front yard. I have a hose and we soon turned that on the fire and it thankfully went out quickly.
The burn area:
This is me, with a house didn't burn down, yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps this is some bigger message to make your yard less desirable to catch fire?

From Whence You Cometh