Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Better Late Than Never I Always Say

So, I was telling you that I am the most stubborn in this relationship? Here's a good example I realized while making banana bread this morning.
When I was a kid, helping my mother bake, I never understood the need for the spatula. Some of you may call them scrapers:
In fact, I was highly against them. One more piece to wash - I hate washing dishes more than any other chore - when the knife, spoon or finger that has already been employed would do just as well. So irritated by the idea of them was I that we didn't register for any when we got married. Some well intentioned - and far more intelligent - person surely thought it was an oversight and gave them to us anyway. For years I wouldn't use them. They just laid in the drawer, taking up space. The sight of them made me curl my lip and sneer. Seriously.
It's only been recently that I have begun to incorporate their usage into my baking. (It was a necessity thing - I was out of other applicable utensils I think.) WHAT COULD I HAVE BEEN THINKING waiting so long? They are quite ingenious in design; flexible, with a wide cross section that allows for easy scraping out of bowls, particularly brownies and other soft doughs. Takes so much less time than the scrape-pat-scrape-pat that is necessary with a knife and spoons are actually quite cumbersome, designed as they are to trap edibles in the bowl and not let go.
I totally use spatulas all the time now. I reach for one more often than any other item in the drawer now.

This is me, taking only eight years to change my mind.


Anonymous said...

you would die in the Food Science class I'm in. The quote, "What do you mean I have to scrape it all off to put into my project????"

Anonymous said...

Okay I just sent this to the food science teacher.

From Whence You Cometh