Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Tonight was the committee meeting for the local cub scout pack. Somehow I was elected secretary for this thing so once a month I traipse across two freeways during rush hour so I can record the notes and try not to shoot people. Every month I appreciate the joke about the camel being a horse designed by committee more and more. Each of these people is perfectly lovely on their own - and I have had interaction with them so I'm not just saying that - but putting them all together in a room and trying to get something done is nigh impossible. One of them just WON'T SHUT UP, another one has a negative comment about every suggestion, some of the parents are very bossy and the cub master tries to incorporate everyone's ideas - which takes FOREVER - and sometimes gets us nowhere. The committee chair is a marvelous person but she's not forceful enough to manage all the crazies at once. I really try and keep my mouth shut because I might start yelling and we don't want that. I don't want that, but I have a hard time with inefficiency and disorganization...and this committee is both.

This is me, frustrated.

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