Friday, February 20, 2009

I Don't Know About Trivial

This meme comes from the blog-that-I-read-that-I-will-never-tell-you-about because I have issues a lot of the subject matter, and the attitudes of the contributors but it is also hilarious a lot of the time, so I likely won't stop reading but I'm also not shilling for them. Apparently it's also floating around Facebook but as we've determined the only reason I visit Facebook is to play Mafia Wars.
These are supposed trivial questions about you and your spouse.
What are your middle names?
Mine is the same as my mother's mother and Tarzan's is a family name from a few generations and dozens of countries ago.
How long have you been together?

We've been married eight years and we were engaged for a year and we dated for another year, so I guess that makes ten. Dang.
How long did you know each other before you started dating?

Officially? Probably a year, but Tarzan says he started pursuing me almost as soon as we met. He's so cute that way. Seeing as I had to dare him to kiss me the first time.
Who asked whom out?

Depends on how you consider...nah, he asked me. I was totally hung up on some other guy at the time and didn't even think of it as a date until we were in the middle of it.
How old are each of you?

I am 32 and Tarzan is 33. He's about 18 months older than I.
Whose siblings do you see the most?
My first impression is to say his, they travel a lot and often stop by The Jungle on their way to other places, but there are more of mine and they mostly live near here, so maybe we see mine more?
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?

My gut says the not having kids thing, since we both want them, but that's not hard on us as a couple - it's just hard. I guess it's the same as for most other couples - lack of time together. Tarzan is crazy busy and even though I help as much as I can, if he's got to teach, or go to a chess tournament or an academic decathlon event, he has to go. And I will see him when he gets back. Unless he falls into bed, dead tired. Then I will see his hair and maybe his feet. Sticking out of the blankets on a bed that isn't long enough for him.
Did you go to the same school?

We went to the same college - Fight On! - and it makes for a very united front when we watch games at other peoples' houses.
Are you from the same home town?

We are from practically opposite hometowns. My home town was a very humid, flat, sea level place in the Frozen North - and I do mean frozen. Tarzan is from the high altitude, so dry your lips fall off after a few hours because there is no air up there, Rockies with the ski resorts.
Who is smarter?

Tarzan - though it may depend on the subject matter. He is way better at interpolation and he reads much faster than I do. But I like to think I can catch him in the memory department, with the remembering of what we were talking about yesterday stuff.
Who is the most sensitive?

Where do you eat out most as a couple?

It's hard to pick a "most" eating establishment, we are lucky to have so many in The Jungle, and they are all awesome. Our favorites; The Melting Pot, California Pizza Kitchen, Yokohama, Chipotle and/or the Szechwan Restaurant.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

Mexico. I know, we don't get out enough.
Who has the craziest exes?

Probably me, since darling Tarzan only has the one. The only other girl he dated with real intent was the summer he MISTAKENLY thought I broke up with him. And I wouldn't call my ex-boyfriends crazy...there were just significantly more of them. Some less sane than others, true. But I speak to most of them once or twice a year.
Who has the worst temper?

Definitely me. Well, I have the loudest temper. Tarzan's is a simmering rage, mine involves yelling and throwing things. Good thing we aren't mad all that often.
Who does the cooking?

Oh I do. Other than the microwave, we don't let Tarzan mess around in the kitchen.
Who is the neat-freak?

Again, I don't think I am a freak, though I certainly put things away more often than Tarzan does. I like to have a neat house, but unless company is coming, I don't flip if there are socks on the floor.
Who is more stubborn?

Totally me.
Who hogs the bed?

Tarzan would say I do, but it's just the fact that he tucks the blankets under his chin and then ROLLS over and ALL the covers end up on his side, so I HAVE to scoot over or I'd freeze.
Who wakes up earlier?

Definitely Tarzan. Jane is just NOT a morning person.
Where was your first date?

My apartment I think. He used to make dinner on Sunday afternoons for me...well he would bring the ingredients and I would make dinner on Sunday afternoons. The first time we went out was to a movie at the $3 theater on campus. I really miss that theater.
Who is more jealous?
Oddly enough, I am. Not that either of us get all stalky and read the other's emails or get mad at an attractive co-worker. Tarzan's just more mellow - and a little oblivious - so it doesn't bother him.
How long did it take to get serious?

Tarzan says he was always serious but I think it wasn't until we kissed and he didn't die from the exchange of germs that he really started thinking about it as more than just a fling.
Who eats more?

Tarzan, no question. He loves his food, but he has really odd eating habits. He does not eat breakfast, lunch is inhaled in 10 minutes and then dinner depends on the meetings that night or whatever. I often wonder if I am really that good a cook or if he even tastes what goes down.
Who does the laundry?

I do, though Tarzan helps with the folding ever since he freaked when I folded his socks together IN PAIRS. It seems they fraternize in the night and it's every sock for itself.
Who's better with the computer?

I am more gentle with and interested in fixing a computer problem, but am also more oblivious to what might cause a problem and therefore need more help in the fixing. Tarzan is work it until it drops and then get a new one.
Who drives when you are together?

Tarzan, unless he's tired or sick and needs me to drive. I will say, we get there faster when I drive.

This is me, with what appears to be a balanced relationship.


Anonymous said...

love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Interesting history. Glad you're together and happy.

Rocketgirl said...

I find this all very educating - thanks!

From Whence You Cometh