Sunday, January 04, 2009


Does anyone else have scary dreams when their husband - or wife I guess, though I don't know how many guys read this thing and if they did, how many would admit to it and/or comment - does not sleep in the same bed?
I do.
Most of my dreams are weird - okay all of them are - but I am always sure of what I am doing or certain that I will not be affected by whatever is going on - no matter how bizarre. But when Tarzan stays up much later than I - like 5 hours later - I have scary, strange dreams. Every time I sleep alone this happens.
And I can't even remember what last night's was about so to share with all of you - who are simply dying to know I am sure - but the pattern is the same; I wake up in a panic, sure that something horrible has happened, is happening or will happen and have to go find Tarzan and have him make it all go away.

This is me, sure my subconscious will be the end of me.


Anonymous said...

Wel that makes me feel manly.

Lola said...

Yes. I had hoped they would stop once I got to living in the same country again, but no dice. I think that now I can attribute them to failing to consciously adjust to my new surroundings. At least now, though, when I wake up in the middle of the night he's there, snoring away beside me.

I hear you.

Rocketgirl said...

When I have nightmares about SH, I end up punching him by accident. Poor guy!

From Whence You Cometh