Thursday, November 05, 2015

Epic Fail

Epic, epic fail Jane.
I completely forgot about NaBloPoMo.
I really did.
First time in eight years I wasn't prepped and ready to start posting come November 01.
Last year I was moments from giving birth and I still remembered!!
Heck, I even pre-dated some posts so I wouldn't miss a day, and this year I'm just doodle-doodle-doo-ing along until our anniversary shows up and I realize that in years past I've put up an ode to us and then that reminded me of posting a lot in November and then oh whoops!
NaBloPoMo is this month.
Well, call it a cheat or not one of the things that keeps this blog from totally falling apart is the 30 posts of November, so late we may be starting, but 30 we will be posting.

This is me, so there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't worry. You're doing great!

From Whence You Cometh