Monday, October 31, 2011

Another Benefit Of My iPhone

At the risk of going backward in my narrative I relate that ATL and I went to see Celtic Thunder in concert last Wednesday night. (It was more of a companion thing on my regard, like when she went to see Wicked for the 133rd time with me.)Mistake me not, those boys can sing and they are surely amusing, but it's her thing and I am the ride.
But speaking of the ride, I met ATL about halfway between our house and the theater because of where Aunt Richie's house is relative to the other two places. I had to traverse one of the most famous streets of the Jungle and while waiting for a red light these fine gentlemen wandered on by my car:

No one else even seemed to notice, let alone care. There was no apparent reason for a horse to be walking down the street, it's not like it's normal here or anything. And I appreciated that I was stopped and that I had an iPhone to take a discernible picture with.

This is me and that was worth the price of admission.


RHM said...

Well at least things are never dull on your commute?

Master P said...

Aren't you kind of a Canadian? Shouldn't that be kinda normal for you?

From Whence You Cometh