Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cats vs Dogs

Nothing too thought provoking but jokes about dogs and cats amuse me. This is one of the ones I like the best.

A dog thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... They must be Gods!
A cat thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... I must be a God!

This is me, amused by simple things.

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

Silly pet people. Since I assume I am the all powerful, I'm way to busy to bother myself with furry peons. It's still lovely that you love them though, someone needs to to make up for the cranks like me!

From Whence You Cometh