Wednesday, July 08, 2009

There Are No Ticks On Me

It's a select few who might see the advantage of this but I count it a blessing.
Remember how I expounded on the beautiful-ness of Tarzan's grandparent's bedroom and the glorious air circulation? We have had to cease and desist sleeping with the balcony door open because Tarzan was being eaten alive at night by the 'skeetos. I first thought he was dramatizing a little because *I* had only one small bite after nearly two weeks down here. But then he showed me his legs and feet and, poor boy, it looks like the chicken pox has him again there are so many red and itchy bites. And I realized that this happened when I was a kid in The Frozen North. My siblings would get bit and not me. It seems that bugs can "smell" to a small extent and choose not to suck the blood of a diseased person.
It would not have been my first choice but since it is the lot I drew, I shall make the best of it.

This is me, with the upside to being diabetic.

1 comment:

Rocketgirl said...

Man, having diabetes sounds heavenly...! ;)

From Whence You Cometh